Operating in Full Alignment

Operating in full alignment, trusting the highest light and my connection, and only creating from a place of joy is my business plan.

Okay yeah, there is some strategy that goes into it but the remaining 80% is not what they teach you in business school.

Operating in full alignment looks like only doing things that are “f*ck yeses”, it looks like pursuing things that truly light you up. It feels easy and fun. It ensures that you are being your authentic self all of the time which = thriving in your business decisions

Trusting the light and my connection looks like pausing and asking for the highest light and guidance to work through me. Asking guidance to help make my decisions, help equip me with the resources I need, help connect me to the people we are here to help.

Only creating from a place of joy looks like bringing light to the planet. Standing out, and making change. Creating from joy, creates a ripple, it inspires people. Joy is innovative. Joy is healing.


Full Send Energy


Human Design In The Workplace