How to Work FOR Your Big Vision

It is so important to have a relationship with your big vision. As a business owner your vision is the energetic version of a business plan. Holding the highest form of your vision means that you know what the end goal looks like, and more importantly what it feels like. When you are constantly tapping into your vision, you are coding everything you are doing to hold the bigness of your vision. When you are working for your big vision everything you do is a building block to get you to the end goal. 

Visualization is the key to having a relationship with your vision. You are always checking in to see where you can push the limit and where you can expand the vision more. Your vision can and will change. Your vision is adapting to the energetics of the planet, so it is important to have daily check-ins to make sure the moves you are making are in alignment with the big vision and can hold that vision. 

Every business move you make needs to hold the energy of your big vision. 

The big vision for Skylar C Creative is to bring intention and consciousness into branding. We want to help our clients hold the biggest form of their vision by creating branding that can hold the energy of their big vision. Which means everything we do has the intention to help others step into their big vision.

What does your big vision look like? Go take a moment to journal it out or drop into a meditation to visualize it. 




Energy Tips for the Conscious Business Owner: Staying in Alignment with Your Highest Vision


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