3 Ways To Show Up & Shine On Social Media

Yeah, social media can be tricky. It feels intimidating and overwhelming especially when you are trying to grow your audience. I know you all know about the “best engagement strategies” and are constantly hearing that you need to do x, y & z everyday if you want to build a following. But I am here to tell you it CAN look different. Get ready for my 3 easy tips that help me show up and shine on social media.

Let’s get some things clear before we dive into the tips. It’s important to remember that your audience can feel your energy. When you show up at your best your community feels it. When you show up in alignment your audience feels it. When you show up wobbly AF and all over the place, your audience feels it.

So here are my go-to tips on how to show up in alignment on social media so your messages & content can clearly reach your community.


  1. Before jumping on you social media to post a story or film a reel, GROUND YOUR ENERGY. This can look different for everybody. Maybe you set you intention with what message you are gonna share. Take a deep breath and center yourself. Have a 30 second dance party to get the vibes high. Clear you energy or I don’t know, whip out the vocal warm ups from 8th grade choir.

  2. Only post when it’s in alignment with you. Don’t force a post if it doesn’t feel right. I am sure you have all done this before… you think “oh sh*t, I have to post because its been 4 day”, then you pull something out and it gets 1/4th of the engagement of a normal post. That is because your audience can feel when you show up as your authentic self oozing with inspiration and passion, ready to share content that lights you up vs when you are just posting to post. The energy is different. So I am here to tell you, you don’t have to post every day you just have to post when you are feeling inspired AF. This is a sure fire way to shine through all the noise on social media.

  3. Make sure you content feels in alignment with your mission and your brand. Everything you do should feel like your brand. This means you have to get very clear on the energy behind your brand and align everything with that. For example if you are a brand that wants people to feel happy, playful & excited. Then your content needs to feel happy, playful and exciting. When you are showing up you are fully embodying the playful, happy and exciting side of you. When you are creating graphics you are using colors that make you feel happy, playful & excited. And you guessed it, when you are posting pictures they should feel happy, playful and exciting.

If you want to dive deeper into how you can show up and shine on social media I offer 1 on 1 sessions where we get into all things energy and you will learn specific ways tailored to your audience on how to stand out!




3 Ways to Up-level in 2021